Expert mental health assessments.
Our goal is to keep the referral process accessible and seamless. You can refer or check on the status of any patient at anytime in your Referral Portal once your account has been registered.
3 easy steps to refer a patient today.
Enroll as a provider.
Have you received an email from us yet? You may have been registered by our team. If not, register your agency, clinic, or firm as a new provider here. You’ll receive an email to confirm you’ve signed up.
Add your patient.
Each time you have a new case, you can refer a patient by logging into your Referral Portal. This will start the evaluation process. To refer a patient, simply click "Add/Refer Patient" and enter the required information.
Patient receives e-mail with registration.
Once the patient is registered, they will receive an alert with next steps to scheduling an appointment through their Patient Portal. Be sure to remind your patient to look for an email from us.
Information about the process.
Patient is evaluated by our team.
Once you refer your patient, your client will meet with one of our licensed therapists to be assessed and educated based on their specific journey. You can always track your patient's appointment dates in your Referral Portal and you will receive email updates when the appointment is scheduled or if a patient misses or cancels an appointment.
Provider receives report within 24 hours.
Once the assessment is complete, a written report will be generated by the therapist that conducted the interview, and placed in your Referral Portal shortly after. You can access the Completed Report under the Completed Forms and Charts section on your dashboard.
All invoices can be viewed and payments can be made directly through your Referral Portal. We accept all major credit cards, bank transfers, and checks.