Joint consultation for intended parents, donors and carriers.

At Thallo Health, we are dedicated to supporting you throughout your life-changing journey towards parenthood. Joint consultation sessions provide a safe and empathetic space for intended parents, donors and carriers to establish a strong foundation for their surrogacy/donation experience, address concerns, set boundaries, and shape their ongoing relationship.

Illustration of a couple sitting in a sofa together

Prioritizing emotional wellness: Why joint consultations are a crucial component of the journey.

Embarking on a surrogacy/donor journey involves a myriad of emotions and complexities for all parties involved. Joint consultations are designed to explore and establish the parameters of this new relationship, ensuring that everyone involved receives the necessary support, care and treatment to enhance their overall well-being and contribute to the success of their surrogacy/donation journey.

our process

Our joint consultation process.

Take the next step on your journey towards parenthood.


Psycho-educational consultation.

Our experienced mental health professionals conduct in-depth psycho-educational sessions with the Intended Parents, Donors, and Carriers. During this session, we explore various aspects of assisted reproduction, facilitate open communication, and delve into topics such as boundaries, disclosure, and expectations.

Clearance letter.

Upon the completion of the joint consultation, Thallo Health provides a letter to all parties involved, certifying that they have met with our mental health professionals and are well-prepared, mentally-equipped, and emotionally ready to move forward with confidence in their surrogacy and donor relationships.
why us

What makes Thallo different.


Our joint consultations are designed and conducted by licensed clinical professionals who specialize in reproductive health and fertility.

Efficient and Accessible

Thallo Health provides joint consultation services in four different languages. Our team of licensed clinicians is available in all 50 states, offering appointments seven days a week, without extended waiting times for scheduling.


Through our HIPAA-compliant platform, we prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of all individuals participating in the joint consultation. Rest assured that your personal information will be handled with the utmost care.

Personalized Support

Thallo Health offers individualized support to patients and groups throughout their journey, no matter what path they choose.

Ready to schedule your consultation?

Register today to schedule your consultation or refer your patients, whether they are Intended Parents, Donors, or Carriers. Together, let's embark on this significant life-changing journey with confidence, understanding, and unwavering support.